BCHC Mid Valley Unit

2024 Officers and Chairs


Line of men and women on horseback and muleback, for visual interest


Name Responsibilities Phone
David Rumsey President (209) 532-2681
Barbara Riner Vice President (209) 402-4473
Cathy Dollarhide Secretary (209) 602-1489
Vicki Morales Treasurer (209) 404-0561
Doug Dollarhide Past President (209) 605-2403
Lloyd Erlandson Insurance Liaison (209) 761-3942
Nicole Jones Volunter Hours (209) 918-1665
Roy Jones Education (209) 272-5634
Michael King Alternate State board (209) 606-8323
John Marshall Parades, State Board (209) 968-3826
Carl Perry Volunteer Service Projects,
Pack Clinics, State Board
(209) 321-5410
Dennis Serpa Volunteer Service Projects (209) 531-5175
Stephanie Stott Facebook, General Meetings (209) 402-4417
Jim Westmoreland Peoria Flat roject Chair (209) 815-3125
Vicki Whisler Dutch Oven Group (209) 480-0566

Committee Chairs

Dave Moser Saw Program,
Stanislaus Wilderness Volunteers
(209) 404-1372
Stephanie Stott Merchandise (209) 402-4417
Kathy Zumbrunn and Gail Jamieson Newsletter (209) 765-4923 (Kathy)
(209) 918-8869 (Gail)
Dan Prine Email Newsletter, Email blasts (209) 485-0844
Aida Nunes Photographer/Historian (209) 620-1759
Christine Mitchell Rides (209) 847-5253
Crystal Dalby Sunshine (209) 968-0483
Ted Pack Webmaster, Facebook (209) 883-4192

Backcountry Horsemen of California - Mid Valley Unit
PO Box 1709
Modesto CA 95353-1709

Questions about the Mid Valley Unit? Ask Doug Dollarhide, bootsandspur@att.net
Questions about, or problems with, the web site? Ask Ted Pack, TedPack@fire2wire.com

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