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Here are all the forms on the Web Site, in alphabetical order. This page is redundant but handy, since we link to each form here from at least one other page.
Donation Request Protocol (PDF, 20 KB) Occasionally we have supported outside organizations and individuals who request a donation, providing that the project being funded is related to BCHC Objectives and Purpose.
Horse Camp Incident (JPEG, 574KB) for reporting non-horse people who camp in horse camps.
HR 845 Letter, a sample letter in support of HR 845,
The National Forest System Trails Stewardship Act. This act directs
the U.S. Forest Service to develop a strategy to more effectively utilize
volunteers and partners to assist in maintaining national forest Trails.
It will provide outfitters and guides the ability to pay permit fees in
trail maintenance activities instead of dollars.
PDF Version (PDF, 19 KB)
MS Word document (14 KB)
(Don't print it off and send it; representatives dismiss "form" letters.
Copy it into your word processor and customize it, perhaps with a personal
anecdote about trails.)
Medical Data Form (PDF, 19KB). We ask everyone who goes on a work party to fill one in, just in case. You can seal it in an envelope, write your name on the outside and give it to the work party leader. He/She will give it back, still sealed, if we don't have to use it.
Membership Application. (PDF - 310 KB).
(This link goes to the state BCHC site.)
Print it and fill it out. Remember, we are the Mid Valley Unit.
Mail it in with your check. Our Membership page
has more details.
Trail Safety Guidelines (PDF, 424KB). Most of these are common sense, but please look it over at least once. Ride or Work Pary leaders may want to print off a copy to give to someone, just in case. Common sense sometimes isn't common.
Youth Horse Camp applications (PDF, 26 KB) This had to be submitted by Thursday, May 1, 2014, but chances are we'll have it again next year, so you can look it over. Complete details.